This morning has been quite the event. I was about to leave for work when the unexpected happened. As I opened my blinds to let a little sunlight in, I peered out towards the back yard and saw our friendly neighborhood cat. As it turns out, he is not so friendly. He was jumping around in a circle, and I thought "Boy, he sure is frisky today. I hope he doesn't try to bite me on my way out." It turns out he was to busy biting a chipmunk. A bite here, a paw slap there...I watched this debating on whether or not to stop mother natures game of 'Cat and...Chipmunk.' Eventually I decided the best thing to do would be letting nature run its course. The chipmunk fought bravely, but in the end, I'm afraid the small lioness won out. I was so enamored with the ability to see a chipmunk up close (usually you see a blur of brown when they run by) that I finally looked down and realized it was 8:00. Guess what time I was supposed to be at work? You can see pictures of the Frisky Feline and Chipmunk Corpse below. So then, as I'm on my way to work, I pass a car I had seen broken down the night before in a church parking lot. This is a nice late 1990's model cop car in good condition. Unfortunately, after little Johnny and the Appleseed Gang got hold of it there was nothing but charred remains. Sorry, no pictures...yet.

The Culprit


Rest In Peace
And now...the rest of the story:
Two weekends ago I was spending some time at my parents' suburban home in Metro Birmingham. It was about 9 a.m. so I decided I would see if the neighbors were out having their daily shuffle board lesson. To my surprise, instead of seeing an 80 year old man in his underwear pushing a broom, I saw a huge turkey (don't let your mind wander). There, in the middle of shopping malls and hundreds of homes, this Tom (correct name for a male turkey, not the neighbor) was all by himself in what was probably his former home. He wouldn't let me get close enough to get a good picture, not to mention half the neighborhood was already out with their 12 gauge shotguns thinking they had a free meal. It's Alabama, what do you expect?

Wild Turkey!

Look Mom...Dinner!
hey Jon, i loved the pictures and the stories that go with them, thats awesome....i loved the dead chipmunk picture, lol.....
I decided to check out your blog. VERY, very interesting. I'll have to do something similar soon. As you said last Thursday, it's a great way to "be real" and let people know who you are - especially family and friends.
I wanted to thank you again for your comments regarding "Still Hope for the American Family". Ironically, I received the professional editor's finished work this Saturday and I'm receiving book cover designs this week.'s time for me to get back to work on the book, finish editing and cover design and self-publish. I don't know what God will do with this book. I just know that He put it on my heart to write and publish. After that, His will be done.
It was great seeing you, Nathan and your Dad last week. Whenever I see your family, it really inspires me. I hope and pray that my children turn out like you, Jason and Rachel.
Stay strong and romance your wife!
In Christ,
Dean, thanks for the post. It was great seeing you last week also. Please send me a signed copy of the books once it is published. I know God will reward your faithfulness.
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