Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Bag Boys and Deodorant

So I was at the grocery store the other day and noticed I was bagging my own groceries. As I processed this historical event, I began to reminisce on all of my recent grocery store outings. I cannot recall the last time I had my groceries bagged. What has happened to all the bag boys?!? Why am I paying more for groceries now, but yet I get less service? Have they all gone on strike? Have they been outsourced to Mexico? Were they all abducted in some government conspiracy to eliminate all possible help at grocery stores? Has the bag boy union gone out of business? I know they haven't been moved to stock boy positions, because the store is STILL out of organic milk every time I go in. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE BAG BOYS?!? I demand to know.

While I was at that same grocery store I decided to do a little experiment. I bought another brand of I am not accustomed to. For the next week, I will put the new deodorant under one arm (the right), and the old deodorant under the other (the left). Four categories will be ranked: smell at the end of the day, perspiration (is it showing through the shirt), what my wife thinks, and any reactions. I will keep you posted.

In other news...
I have heard limited response from my two posts dated April 6 & 7. Each post had two, what I consider good, questions. People, I need you to respond. This blog is pointless unless you give feedback. Now, I need you to carry your weight, put aside anything important, and give me feedback. As a reward, you can say that you are a published author on the World Wide Web, and a member of the “Blogosphere.”


Anonymous said...

incredibly, i also noticed what we will henceforth call the "bag boy phenomenon" this past Sunday when i visited my neighborhood grocer. i, too, was somewhat perplexed by this situation that is becoming all too frequent an event. i spent an extra five minutes in the store bagging my own groceries after paying for them. and what was the cashier doing while i sorted, stacked, and bagged? watching. didn't even lift a finger to help. thanks a lot, bud--you're number one! maybe the bag boys finally had it with the powers that be who refuse to let the bagger/carriers accept tips in remuneration for their we have a national situation of Striking Baggers on our hands that stretches from at least Birmingham to West Palm Beach.
this is a serious crisis--i'm not properly trained to know whether my bread should be bagged with the couscous and hummus or the sharp cheddar and least i didn't break my eggs.

Jon Mitchell said...

That is pretty funny Ben. I can see you bagging, getting madder with every loaf of bread, can of soup and jar of pickled pigs feet you placed in the bag.

YCN Jr. High Youth Ministry... said...

you used it, that word, "blogosphere." be proud bro, be very proud. I am, infact, you deserve an 'you go boy' from one hetero male to another...

Ash Sinniger said...

hey jon, i agree with you on the feedback thing, since i started this blogsite i got 2 comments from the same person and i have no idea who that person is, lol.....yea jason and jenny are in GA and then going to AL, so that means im watching Samson and Rocky again till Sunday, im sleeping over every day, so pretty much i was living at their house since last thursday, a week and a half of samson n rocky...but anyways, hope ur having a great week and talk to you later

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's worse- the evaporation of bag boys in Birmingham and West Palm Beach...or the baggers at Ingles in Toccoa, who never got the memo that there is a national bag boy strike and to make matters worse, never learned you don't put ground beef and buns in the same bag!!!