Monday, January 23, 2006

The God of Each Generation

Recently one of my classmates wrote, "My Dad said that he believes that the Lord has prepared each generation for the challenges that they will face, knowing that they will need to withstand more than we did."

I believe this is a profound concept, and I have thought about it many times. As I look at how I view God, how my parents view God, and how my grandparents view God, we each have a different characteristic we value. It's not that God has changed in any way (He is the same yesterday, today, and forever) but that He reveals Himself differently to each generation. He knows what each generation will need. In other words, my generation has experienced broken homes like never before. At the same time, most of my friends truly see God as a loving Father, one who they can be intimate and real with. My grandfather's generation tends to view God as just, righteous, and strong. That is exactly what they needed Him to be as they went through the depression, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War and other catastrophes. I hope this makes sense. I am in awe of God's desire to reach us right where we are as individuals and as a generation.


Ames said...

never thought about that either. he is God the Father ....guess it seems more prevelant in our generation.

cool thoughts.

Unknown said...

I tell anyone that I know who's parents are strong believer that they must sooner or later let go of their parents coat tails and find out for themselves what God means to them.

Ames said...

very true, luke.

i tried to ride on my parents coattails until a couple years ago.

but it's so much better when you find faith for yourself!