Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Here are a couple of things I need help with:

1) Can I put QT (Quick Time for the technically illiterate) video's on this blog? If so, how? And once I know how, can I start calling this a vlog?
2) How do I create a picture in my profile so when I post in the comments section my face can be seen by the world (Jason or Amy, please provide direction).
3) I recently purchased the Kodak EasyShare V550. It's a cool camera because it has advanced video features, but I am struggling with the picture quality. More like, what settings do I use and when. Any thoughts?


Ames said...

well, on your page where you edit your profile there is a section where you can add your picture. it has to be uploaded to the internet before you can add it onto your blog profile, though. and then I think near the bottom of the edit profile page you select the option that says to show profile pictures?

and i think whether or not you can get video on here, you should call it a vlog. that made me laugh out loud when you said that.

Ames said...

andi cant help ya with the digital camera...i'm still stuck with an 35mm SLR (but a good camera, at that!)

Unknown said...

How come you blog about cameras and I blog about snow and other people blog about their kids but your bro gets to blog about his two hour lunch with Tony "stinkin" Campolo?

YCN Jr. High Youth Ministry... said...

no, you cannot call them vlogs. sorry. that'd be gay. and well, i'm sorta an authority on cool. not gonna lie, i have a motorola razor. it makes me an expert.

Ames said...


gona have to agree with Nick, even though i dont know him.

you cant argue with a motorola razor phone. especially if it's black.