Friday, July 15, 2005


We have had some pretty bad weather in the Ham during the last 2 weeks. I was deep sea fishing on July 5th and found out that Dennis was coming up right behind us (Hurricane Dennis). I have been on the coast the day before a hurricane twice is unsettling. While on our two hour boat ride to our first fishing hole in the Gulf, I had a revelation. These fishing trips would be SO much more exciting if the boat Captain let us ski off the back or at least parasail. Man, they could make a killing off the extra incentives they could offer on their deep sea fishing trips.

Yesterday we had another torrential down pour. I had to pull into a parking lot for at least 30 minutes. I have to admit, I was pretty freaked out. We got a total of 4 inches of rain in less than 45 minutes, and many areas around our house were flooded. I saw a dumpster picked up and moved and a parking lot erode away. That is pretty cool.

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