I mentioned before about PostSecrets (www.postsecrets.com). It really fascinates me that so many people have written Frank to share their victories, defeats, obsessions, fears, and oddities. I saw the following on his website and thought is was insightful:
Today I went to Barnes and Noble to purchase your PostSecret book. I had sent in secrets that had never appeared on the website, and now felt that looking at or buying the book was a secret in itself. I was having difficulty finding it, and was reluctant to ask for help. After about 20 minutes of searching, I finally caved and asked an associate to help me find it. The woman led me right to it - in the Biography section.
I was shocked.
How can this be considered a biography? A biography of who? It was written by hundreds of strangers - how is this biographical? I sat down with the book, and began to read. I slowly realized the answer to my question. I was reading a biography of myself. Of myself and everyone else I know, or have known. None of the secrets I sent in were published, but the secrets I was reading were mine nonetheless. I felt them, I felt their reality, I knew their depth and their strength. These secrets belong to everyone. This book is a biography of the human spirit, of human nature. It is the deepest, most true biography I have in fact ever read. Most biographies leave out the secrets, those small nuggets of stark reality that people keep inside themselves. This biography is nothing but that - and for that it is invaluable.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
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Thats interesting.....the secrets I read I couldnt relate to at all. I do love reading those though, and I desperately try and seach my soul for a secret I can send in....I have none, keeping secrets from people has always been my worst trait (i guess its good), I just cannot keep a secret.
And YAY for finally updating my favorite blog. WHile it wasnt slap your momma hilarious, i still enjoyed it.
And really, if Georgia has that many secrets she needs some kind of therapy.
I own this book, and it rocked my world. 'Ames' is right though, "the secrets I read I couldn't relate to at all" but yet, I was drawn to read more and the more the candid/secret they were, they more they appealed to me.
As I finished the book, I wondered to myself, "What caused these people to make these things a secret?"
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