Recently I went to Fort Smith, AR. We flew into Oklahoma, which is definitely the brownest state I have ever flown into (see pic). We then drove 2 hours east to Fort Smith, AR. I have never seen a succession of farms like I did during that drive. It must be where 80% of the cows in the U.S. are. I even saw a dead one getting its eyes plucked out by a buzzard (sorry, no pic). One random bit of information: the speed limit on the turnpike there is 75 mph. Has anyone ever seen a higher speed limit? Fort Smith is an interesting little town, especially the Ozark Mountain Hemp store. I got a buzz just driving by. It was definately the farthest quickest trip I have ever made (hope that makes since). We left on Monday at 8 a.m. and were back by Tuesday at 3 p.m. It was pretty crazy!

you should try ozark mountain water (aka..Ozarka). it's nasty. probably tastes like the hemp smells.
we're not normally so brown...but due to the lack of rain....well, what can i say.
at least you got to drive fast, but had to pay a pesky toll.
i think it is hilarious that the speed limit was noteworthy, the cow getting its eyes plucked out was noteworthy, but breakfast with amy and matt doesn't even get a byline!! hahahahah!
Actually, I thought about posting that with the picture I took of them, but I decided I would create a seperate blog this week of "People we have visited with lately." So, your attempt to crush me failed. By the way, what happened to your blog?
hahhahaha you guys are hilarious. april, nice trying to stick it to the man. jon- you actually did stick it to the man.
i still love you both, though.
Hey!! I wasn't trying to stick anyone! I just thought it was a funny observation. I know my blog totally wigged out the other day. Republished and all is well.
amy, i only like unconditional love, not love in spite of!
well i was only kidding too, so there.
I haven't been through Montana since high school, so 5+ years now, but when we drove through the state as a family twice a year to visit my brother in northern Wyoming, there was no speed limit during daylight hours on I-90.
Crazy huh!
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