I have been reading many articles related to whether or not to have church on Christmas day, which conveniently falls on a Sunday. The last time this happened was in the mid 90's and the same debate arose. This year, however, the power of the mega church as been thrown in the mix. Honestly, I could care less if they opened their doors on Christmas day or not, because the church is not a building, and I do not need to worship with other Christians to enjoy the meaning of Christmas. One must take into consideration the logistics that are behind a service for many of these mega churches. On a normal Sunday, the average mega church has anywhere from 75 to over 300 staff and volunteers involved. Is it really right to ask that many people to give up time with their families on Christmas day to put on a service for a couple hundred people that might show up? I don't think so, considering we ask so much of them throughout the year. I respond from the standpoint of a member of a church of 4,000 and from having a brother on staff at a church of over 4,500. I want to enjoy the day with him because he lives in PA so I never get to see him. If they made him attend the service, I would be upset. Plus, many of these mega churches are putting a lot of time and effort into their Christmas Eve services, and some are even holding more services before Christmas day than they normally would (I know one church that is holding 16 services during the 2 days before Christmas). Most research proves that the overwhelming majority of non-Christians go to church on Christmas Eve rather than on Christmas day, and aren't those the people we should be focused on reaching? I think Rick Warren makes an appropriate comment that we should consider in this discussion:
"When you're small, they'll dismiss you; when you're growing, they'll criticize you; and when you're large, they'll resent you. So ignore 'them' and get on with whatever God has told you to do!"
If God has not convicted the staff of a mega church about closing their doors on Sunday, than so be it. If it is a conviction for you, then find a church and go on Sunday morning while I am cuddling with my wife by the tree. Better yet, here is a revolutionary thought (one that is uncomfortable for the majority of Christian families). If you are so concerned about not having a building to go to in order to have church on Christmas day, read a devotional as a family and sing to Jesus! Maybe you could even pray together!
"The church is a family--the Bible says that many times. And within a family there is freedom. Just because a church decides to handle things a certain way does NOT make it wrong when another church does not do it that way...and for a church to claim that they have everything right and other churches should be like them is--well--ARROGANT!" - Perry Noble (New Spring Church).
Jon Mitchell
Monday, December 12, 2005
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I couldn't agree with you more. It totally, explicitly, communicates the idea that church is a place rather than a people.
I'll be cuddling with Jenny right by you guys.
When do I get to cuddle next to you and jason?
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