Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Wow was I wrong. I just got back from the North (read previous post). In my southern upbringing, I always heard how rude and mean northerners were, how expensive it is in New York City, and that New Jersey is the armpit of America. I have now found out that I have been lied to (except for the New Jersey thing). I am going to make a huge step-out and say that northerns (at least the ones I met) are just as friendly as us southerners. Not only that, but their yards are much cleaner, and you don't see a trailer right beside a mansion (southerners, just admit it, we aren't so good at land consistency/development). I also expected NYC to be this incredibly bustling metropolis where everyone was in a hurry and it cost $10 for a hotdog. Neither are true. You can get a hotdog for $1.50 (bun cost extra...just kidding) and the only hustling I saw was a mad rush for the Starbucks bathroom. The people in the city were friendly, telling us where the locals dine and places we should visit. I have to be honest, and this may upset some people. While NYC is an incredibly cool place and I would still love to live there, I was more impressed with the culture of city life (where they live, what they eat, how they travel) than I was with the city itself.

And so, the moral of this trip was...don't sterotype (more to come on our eventful trip home later). For pictures of our trip keep scrolling down. To make the pictures bigger, click on them.

The Big Stereotype...I Mean Apple

Jon & Karen at NBC

My Brother & His Wife

Daddy Needs a New Pair of Shoes!

Pulled From the Rubble of the WTC

Sheep Pasture in Central Park (where are the sheep?)

The Old & New


St. Peter's Cathedral (I think)

Jon & Karen

Cool Streetlights

Hershey Factory

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