Monday, April 24, 2006


I thought I would take a moment to share one of my ultimate annoyances. Have you ever pulled up to a stop sign and, as fate would have it, someone pulls up at another part of the intersection at the same exact time? For a brief moment, your world combines with a total stranger. You stare at each other with a hint of determination, wondering who will go first. As you pull ahead, you take a slight side glance, just to let them know you have won the match.

However, there are days when we all feel a little more generous. Those days, I choose to let my temporary opponent make the first move, and I actually wave them ahead. But...what is this? They can't be outdone by me, and not wanting me to win, they give me a re-wave (much like the infamous re-gifters), knowing the awkwardness that would ensue if I were to reject their wave. The adrenaline (and anger) races through my body as I wonder, "Who do you think you are to reject my generosity!?!" So, the other morning, I am face to face with a re-waver. But this time, I don't give in! I stare at them, seeing their smug smile, thinking that they have won. I don't budge, and for a solid minute we exchange re-waves and frowns. And finally, after persevering through the awkwardness...I win!


Ames said...

atta boy, jon! you show that re-waver who's boss!

I find in those situations as soon as I notice I have an oppenent, I start talking to them in the car..much like this.."Oh I dont think so buddy, I got here first"....and then if they proceed to move through the stop sign W/o my generous hand wave I start yelling at them...but we wont use those words, sometimes they arent nice. :)

yeah, I suffer from an almost sever case of road rage.

Ames said...

*sever can also be translated into severe.

Anonymous said...

stop sign dork

AprilMarie Hawbaker said...

jon.. your blogs consistenly remind me of elaine from seinfield. they are elaine in the sombrero funny.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

how do people get a picture with their name?

YCN Jr. High Youth Ministry... said...

dude. good word.


i'm hekka mad, you get so many comments on your blog. dang dood.

Jon Mitchell said...

Hecka mad!?! Next I am blogging about how much that annoys me.

AprilMarie Hawbaker said...

exactly when were you gonna blog about how hecka mad annoys you? are you going to blog ever again? do you think you'll blog again before i croak?

wondering in n.c.

Ames said...

yeah, good question apes. cause we're all gettin hekka mad sittin around waiting for you to post about how much that phrase annoys you.

or you can blog about "cowboy up!" cause that one annoys me like nobodys business.

Anonymous said...

I see you are letting your bro get all the good post. Like you could not have said all that stuff about the deer head. You work to hard. Next thing you know you will be complaining about not having time for SEX!!

Is that where you want your life to head? Think about it that is all I am saying.