Friday, September 02, 2005


Wow...I almost didn't remember my password to get back into my Blogger account. Fortunately for you I remembered it was "maharshalahashbaz." Anyways, so much has happened since I last blogged. Karen and I found a house and will be moving to Trussville, AL Sept. 28th. We are pretty excited and anytime you would like to visit, just let me know (this invitation does not extend to anyone who may have randomly come across this site). Also, I have completed my first MBA course and got an A+ (much to the neglect of my wife). Now I am in my second course, trying to be more balanced...and it isn't working so far.

Also, since my last blog I found out that I am going to be an uncle! I am really excited for my brother and his wife, but unfortunately they live all the way up in PA so I will have to settle for becoming the distant uncle who sends $20 and a lollipop on birthdays. More thoughts to come on the devastation in the coastal south...


Brian Bojo said...

Glad you're writing again - keep up the good work. By the way, our next cigar session needs to include a discussion of self-respect and how it affects a guy in every aspect of his life. Tell Richard.

Jon Mitchell said...


I look forward to it.


YCN Jr. High Youth Ministry... said...

hey hey hey. You are alive, praise the Lord. Its good to hear that life is treating you well my friend.

YCN Jr. High Youth Ministry... said...

ps-i want a cigar session.