I really feel sorry for those of you still working on a Windows based computer (I wouldn't be surprised if someone out there was still working with Windows 3.1...it probably runs better than Windows XP). I think to truly understand the difference between Apple and Microsoft, you have to give yourself one month on a Mac running the Tiger OS 10 platform. How many times does your computer crash in a week? Mine....none. How many viruses are you susceptible to (you really don't want to answer that)? Me...none. Can your Windows computer run a dual platform with OS X? Mine...yes. I have used Microsoft Office for probably 7 years now. I have learned more about Word, PPT, and Excel in the past 6 months by using it on my Mac than the previous 7 years combined when I was using it on a Windows PC. Apple does a better job at making those programs functional than Microsoft does...and Microsoft created them! As you can tell, I am partial, but I have seen the difference. I could probably go on for another few pages, but I will spare you from having an argument with your wife about why you need to go out and buy a PowerBook G4.