Friday, December 23, 2005
Revolution (Part II)
Many Christians are flocking to the non-traditional, church because they desire something fresh...not because they want an experience, but because they want to see that the power of Jesus is real in our lives. You know, even if those people do want an experience, is there something wrong with that? Isn't a relationship with Jesus an experience? Doesn't it fluctuate between crying one moment because you suddenly sense the burden Jesus carries for the lost, to rejoicing the next moment because you just received a revelation about the power of Christ's resurrection? Why have we become scared of the word "experience" when it is associated with Christianity?
Monday, December 19, 2005
Revolution (Part I)
I was recently told by a fellow classmate that her father, who is a Christian, doesn't go to church. She said, "He [my father] just doesn't want to go to the [church] "building" because of his previous dealings with "hypocrites." My grandfather was a preacher, and forced my father to go to church every Sunday - no matter what. So, between the forcing and the hypocrites, my father will not go back into a church at this time." My father was a pastor. I admit, there were times I was forced to go to church. I would imagine her father's experiences have caused him to have a bad taste in his mouth like many Christians who no longer go to a church building on Sunday's and Wednesday nights (and often every other night the church can get them to volunteer). George Barna just came out with a new book called Revolution that I encourage anyone to read before they get into the debate of "Church...or not?" I work with over 230 pastors a year in my job and I offered a copy to all of them. I am pretty passionate about the subject of spirituality in America. While many Christians believe and are looking for America's spiritual awakening, I believe it is already here. However, it is not the way we want it or predicted it. Many are turning to so many different forms of spirituality because they have become disenfranchised with one "system." Unfortunately, the church has often responded with an "us against them" mentality, which alienates them even more.
I recently heard a passage from the Message translation of the Bible that truly resonates with me, especially on this subject: Matthew 11:28-30 says, "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me [Jesus]. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
I recently heard a passage from the Message translation of the Bible that truly resonates with me, especially on this subject: Matthew 11:28-30 says, "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me [Jesus]. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Here are a couple of things I need help with:
1) Can I put QT (Quick Time for the technically illiterate) video's on this blog? If so
, how? And once I know how, can I start calling this a vlog?
2) How do I create a picture in my profile so when I post in the comments section my face can be seen by the world (Jason or Amy, please provide direction).
3) I recently purchased the Kodak EasyShare V550. It's a cool camera because it has advanced video features, but I am struggling with the picture quality. More like, what settings do I use and when. Any thoughts?
1) Can I put QT (Quick Time for the technically illiterate) video's on this blog? If so

2) How do I create a picture in my profile so when I post in the comments section my face can be seen by the world (Jason or Amy, please provide direction).
3) I recently purchased the Kodak EasyShare V550. It's a cool camera because it has advanced video features, but I am struggling with the picture quality. More like, what settings do I use and when. Any thoughts?
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Church...or Not (Part II)
I keep reading comments on the great "Church on Christmas Day" debate, and I don't understand it. Who cares? How many of our "Christian convictions" are really cultural, not spiritual? Is a Christmas Day service biblical or cultural? Is a Sunday or Saturday service biblical or cultural? Is Sunday School biblical or cultural (wow, I know that will really rock some of you)? Is singing hymns biblical or cultural? Is the issue of ordaining gay priests biblical or cultural...just wanted to see if you were paying attention. If these convictions are cultural (which I believe they are, excluding the last one), then why are they such hot topics? And for those of you who have chosen to get on with the real business of the church (reaching the lost and discipleship) yes, some of the preceding issues are still hot topics. I was recently talking with a worship pastor who told me they just got PowerPoint approved. How long did it take them to approve it, you ask? Only a couple of, this is not a joke. The media is having a field day with the church right now regarding the "Church on Christmas Day" debate, and guess who is going to get the blue ribbon? No, it is not the church that will have a service on Christmas Day, it is...Satan. I'm sorry (...wait, no I'm not) but many Christians need to get a life or get or the other. Even the local Christian radio station has gotten involved by having people call in and voice their opinions on whether or not a church should have a service on Christmas Day. Fortunately no pre-Christians listen to the station because it is so lame.
Christians are turning insignificant issues into ones of importance and labeling them as spiritual debates. I guess issues regarding porn, sexual abuse, and reaching the lost are to “sensitive or uncomfortable.” Maybe I am contributing to the debate by writing this post. If I am, please let me know and I will stop.
Christians are turning insignificant issues into ones of importance and labeling them as spiritual debates. I guess issues regarding porn, sexual abuse, and reaching the lost are to “sensitive or uncomfortable.” Maybe I am contributing to the debate by writing this post. If I am, please let me know and I will stop.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Church...or Not?
I have been reading many articles related to whether or not to have church on Christmas day, which conveniently falls on a Sunday. The last time this happened was in the mid 90's and the same debate arose. This year, however, the power of the mega church as been thrown in the mix. Honestly, I could care less if they opened their doors on Christmas day or not, because the church is not a building, and I do not need to worship with other Christians to enjoy the meaning of Christmas. One must take into consideration the logistics that are behind a service for many of these mega churches. On a normal Sunday, the average mega church has anywhere from 75 to over 300 staff and volunteers involved. Is it really right to ask that many people to give up time with their families on Christmas day to put on a service for a couple hundred people that might show up? I don't think so, considering we ask so much of them throughout the year. I respond from the standpoint of a member of a church of 4,000 and from having a brother on staff at a church of over 4,500. I want to enjoy the day with him because he lives in PA so I never get to see him. If they made him attend the service, I would be upset. Plus, many of these mega churches are putting a lot of time and effort into their Christmas Eve services, and some are even holding more services before Christmas day than they normally would (I know one church that is holding 16 services during the 2 days before Christmas). Most research proves that the overwhelming majority of non-Christians go to church on Christmas Eve rather than on Christmas day, and aren't those the people we should be focused on reaching? I think Rick Warren makes an appropriate comment that we should consider in this discussion:
"When you're small, they'll dismiss you; when you're growing, they'll criticize you; and when you're large, they'll resent you. So ignore 'them' and get on with whatever God has told you to do!"
If God has not convicted the staff of a mega church about closing their doors on Sunday, than so be it. If it is a conviction for you, then find a church and go on Sunday morning while I am cuddling with my wife by the tree. Better yet, here is a revolutionary thought (one that is uncomfortable for the majority of Christian families). If you are so concerned about not having a building to go to in order to have church on Christmas day, read a devotional as a family and sing to Jesus! Maybe you could even pray together!
"The church is a family--the Bible says that many times. And within a family there is freedom. Just because a church decides to handle things a certain way does NOT make it wrong when another church does not do it that way...and for a church to claim that they have everything right and other churches should be like them is--well--ARROGANT!" - Perry Noble (New Spring Church).
Jon Mitchell
"When you're small, they'll dismiss you; when you're growing, they'll criticize you; and when you're large, they'll resent you. So ignore 'them' and get on with whatever God has told you to do!"
If God has not convicted the staff of a mega church about closing their doors on Sunday, than so be it. If it is a conviction for you, then find a church and go on Sunday morning while I am cuddling with my wife by the tree. Better yet, here is a revolutionary thought (one that is uncomfortable for the majority of Christian families). If you are so concerned about not having a building to go to in order to have church on Christmas day, read a devotional as a family and sing to Jesus! Maybe you could even pray together!
"The church is a family--the Bible says that many times. And within a family there is freedom. Just because a church decides to handle things a certain way does NOT make it wrong when another church does not do it that way...and for a church to claim that they have everything right and other churches should be like them is--well--ARROGANT!" - Perry Noble (New Spring Church).
Jon Mitchell
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Gifts...or Not
Do you give gifts at Christmas? I don't. By the way...I didn't blog the whole month of November. Oh, like you are really better at blogging than I am. By the way, I have updated the website of the week. Check out Church Marketing Sucks. I love the sight.
Where I've Been...
I discovered this cool little tool on someone else's blog to map out all the places I've been in the U.S.

create your own visited states map
Here are the countries I've been to. Wow, I have a lot of territory to cover before I die.

create your own visited countries map
create your own visited states map
Here are the countries I've been to. Wow, I have a lot of territory to cover before I die.
create your own visited countries map
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